Air Cadet Gliding Program

Air Cadet Gliding Program
Country Canada
Type Youth Organization
Part of Air Cadet Gliding Program
Headquarters Ottawa, Canada

The Air Cadet Gliding Program is a youth gliding program operated by the Canadian Forces (CF) and the Air Cadet League of Canada for the benefit of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.

The program is managed by CF officers, most of whom are Cadet Instructor Cadre officers, and is the largest producer of glider pilots in Canada, almost all of whom are cadets age 16-18 trained at the five summer Regional Gliding Schools. At these Regional Gliding Schools, about 320 cadets receive their glider pilot licence each year.

Outside of the Regional Gliding Schools, the local headquarters provide the opportunity for cadets to participate in gliding familiarization flying during the spring and fall — approximately 22000 flights are completed. Senior cadets that have completed the Air Cadet Gliding Program also perform staff duties at glider familiarization flying and at the summer training program.

Locations of the Regional Gliding Schools
